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President Obama today boasted about government assistance to the auto industry while advocating extending such “success” to “every industry.”

A new book released this week details Obama’s second-term plans to do just that, including federal government intervention to determine the “value” of individual jobs in the private sector instead of allowing employers to pay what they want.

Also on tap is the possible initiation of a massive government-funded jobs program that could even include the re-creation of a 21st century version of FDR’s Works Progress Administration program within the Department of Labor.

There are also second-term plans for a green “stimulus” and the possible founding of a federal “green” bank or “Energy Independence Trust,” which would borrow from the federal treasury to provide low-cost financing to private-sector investments in “clean energy.”

Progressive organizations behind White House policy have also crafted specific, second-term plans for the federal government to enact a “living wage” that would force all employers to increase the salaries of the nation’s workers to meet “basic needs” such as housing, food, utilities, transportation, health care and recreation.

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