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False and defamatory statements were made in an article in Politico Magazine entitled “How We Killed the Tea Party” on August 3, 2016 .  Article Here

The article has done substantial harm to our organization because of it’s lies and inaccurate reporting.  As a result, our lawyer in DC, Cleta Mitchell has written a letter that both Politico and Mr. Paul Jossey take immediate steps to correct the record, publish a retraction of their false statements and take other remedial actions defined in her letter, in an effort to unwind the lies written and published with reckless regard for the truth.

Mr. Jossey has until Friday, August 19, 2016 to deliver to the publisher of Politico a letter stating his statements and assertions about Tea Party Patriots were and are false and should never have been included in the article and confirming that he did no independent research to verify his allegations against the Tea Party Patriots before including those portion in his article.  In addition Tea Party Patriots is demanding a public apology for his egregious error.

Politico has 24 hours from the receipt of her letter dated August 17, 2016, to remove all references to Tea Party Patriots in the Politico article published on the Internet and in all archived versions.  The magazine has until Monday August 22, 2016 to publish a complete retraction of their false broadside against and about Tea Party Patriots, together with an apology–given the same space, placement and distribution as the original false piece about Tea Party Patriots.