National and local tea party groups will coordinate efforts to help Wisconsin voters make a final push to stand up against the forces on the left and union power brokers who have besieged the state with perpetual recalls and disruptive tactics in an effort to thwart the will of a democratic majority that voted in favor of fiscal reforms.
Jenny Beth Martin, who heads Tea Party Patriots, told Breitbart News that Tea Party Patriots, with the help of local Tea Party groups, will set up command centers on Wednesday so people can volunteer and go door-to-door. They will also set up virtual call centers, so people from all around the country can make phone calls into Wisconsin.
“Wisconsin is pivotal, and it is ground zero for our political landscape,” Martin told Breitbart News. “The left is trying to use the recall to … disrupt the representative democracy that makes our country great … and we can’t let that happen in Wisconsin and the rest of the country.”
She said there will be an infrastructure in place so people from around the country can spend anywhere from 8 hours to 21 days on the ground in Wisconsin to help Tea Party groups in Wisconsin who reached out for help because they are exhausted from two years of non-stop campaigning, which they have been forced to do because of the left’s relentless tactics to thwart the will of the people.
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