Stock up now because come Jan. 1, the popular 40- and 60-watt incandescent light bulbs no longer will be welcome on U.S. store shelves.
That’s when the sales ban takes effect and American consumers will be forced — thanks to Congress and its failure to push back the environmental lobby — to purchase the likes of halogen bulbs, compact fluorescents, LED lights and high-efficiency incandescents. The options are comparatively more expensive, industry officials say, as The Daily Mail reported.
“Get them while you still can,” Home Depot said on its website. “Stock up on incandescent light bulbs before they are completely discontinued.”
Supporters of the bulb ban have argued that the 40- and 60-watt light bulbs are inefficient and cite Environmental Protection Agency studies as proof. But opponents, including tea party types, say that if the 40- and 60-watt options were so great, consumers would buy them without regulation.
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