571-232-0440 info@vctpp.org


March 18, 2025

Our Monthly Meeting is this Saturday, March 22

The Venango County Tea Party Patriots will meet Saturday, March 22 at 9:00 am at Kings Restaurant. Come early if you plan to eat breakfast.

We will be having a discussion with some local School Directors about what it is like to be on a School Board . What is the role of a School Director and what are the issues and challenges School Directors face?  This discussion will help us all to encourage, support and communicate with our local School Directors.

GOP Spirit of Lincoln Dinner

The Venango County GOP is holding their annual “Spirit of Lincoln” Dinner on Thursday,  April 24.   Tickets will be available soon and we will have a sign up sheet and more details at the meeting this Saturday.

Article V Convention of the States

Article V of the US Constitution has two ways to Amend the Constitution.  All 27 Amendments to date have originated in Congress but Article V includes a second way for Amendment: a Convention of the States (COS).  We will have a brief presentation on the dangers of the current effort to hold a COS.

Website Help Needed

The TEA Party is looking for a volunteer to help maintain our website.  If you have website skills and can volunteer some time, contact Jane Richey (jane@vctpp.org).  Thank you!

2025 School Director and Municipal Elections

The slate of candidates for the 2025 Primary is set.  If you are interested, the list of candidates is available on the Voter Registration and  Election Services page on the venangocountypa.gov website.

The Primary election is on May 20, 2025.

Thank you all for your help in powering the VCTPP Mission

If you haven’t been to our new and improved website, check it out at www.vctpp.org   We have a donation jar at each meeting where you can contribute to fund our various programs.  We appreciate all you Patriots who are generous with your time and your treasure.   Thanks so much!!!!

Thank you for doing what you can to keep this country FREE.  It will take all of us working together and the grace of God to see this happen!

Have a great week.  We’ll see you on Saturday!