571-232-0440 info@vctpp.org
Venango Co. 4-H Fair Volunteers Needed

Venango Co. 4-H Fair Volunteers Needed

If you can help out manning our VCTPP Display Booth this year, August 3-10, we are gathering commitments.  The following slots are open.  We try to have 2 volunteers on each shift.  Some have already signed up but the following are still needed: Date12-4 Shift4-8...
Learn about “SAVE ACT”

Learn about “SAVE ACT”

Radical progressive Democrats are taking drastic steps to fundamentally remakeAmerica through open borders, the release of millions of illegal aliens into ourcommunities, and by waging a full-scale assault on election integrity laws. SAVE ACT S A F E G U A R D A M E R...
May 25, 2024 – VCTPP Meeting

May 25, 2024 – VCTPP Meeting

VCTPP will meet on Saturday, May 25 at 9:00 am at Kings Restaurant in Franklin. Come at 8:00 to order breakfast. Our topic will be on the recent fund-raising efforts of the Western Conservancy. What is it and how does the Conservancy impact private property rights?...