by Jane Richey | Jun 7, 2024 | Alerts
If you can help out manning our VCTPP Display Booth this year, August 3-10, we are gathering commitments. The following slots are open. We try to have 2 volunteers on each shift. Some have already signed up but the following are still needed: Date12-4 Shift4-8...
by Jane Richey | Jun 7, 2024 | Alerts, Constitutionally Limited Goverment
The John Birch Society will be hosting a Constitutional Lecture Series every Thursday evening at 6:00 pm at Kings Restaurant in Franklin, beginning June 13, 2024. The lectures are free but dinner is at your own expense and come at 5:00 to order. ...
by Jane Richey | May 9, 2024 | Alerts
Radical progressive Democrats are taking drastic steps to fundamentally remakeAmerica through open borders, the release of millions of illegal aliens into ourcommunities, and by waging a full-scale assault on election integrity laws. SAVE ACT S A F E G U A R D A M E R...
by Jane Richey | May 9, 2024 | Events
VCTPP will meet on Saturday, May 25 at 9:00 am at Kings Restaurant in Franklin. Come at 8:00 to order breakfast. Our topic will be on the recent fund-raising efforts of the Western Conservancy. What is it and how does the Conservancy impact private property rights?...