571-232-0440 info@vctpp.org

2 MARCHES To Consider

PHILADELPHIA, PA and other battleground states AND Washington DC STOP THE STEAL MARCHPittsburgh Tea Party       This Saturday in Washington, D.C. a march known by two names, Stop the Steal and the Million MAGA March will begin at noon at Freedom Plaza (near the...

Update on Voter Fraud

It’s well beyond a reasonable doubt! To see an accurate and easy to read update on what has transpired thus far, I am referring you to LIBERTY COUNSEL’s post. We know it’s a fund-raising letter but this organization is always ready to defend at no...

Next Meeting – Sept. 24

Venango County Tea Party Patriots will meet on Thursday, September 24 at 6:30 pm at the Sandycreek Fire Hall, 624 Congress Hill Road in Franklin. Special guests will be Commissioners Sam Breene and Michael Dulaney fielding questions regarding the Nov. 3 election. New...