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Federal Deficit Up, Debt Down!

Thanks to a large draw down in the federal government’s cash on hand and to the “extraordinary measures” that the Treasury is currently taking to avoid surpassing the legal limit on the federal debt, the federal deficit and the federal debt actually went in...

Governor Corbett’s Budget

Governor Corbett’s fiscal year 2013-14 budget proposal includes a tax reform package aimed at “improving Pennsylvania’s tax climate by reducing tax burdens that inhibit job creation and economic growth.” The centerpiece of this proposal is a...

IRS Hiring Dirersity Specialist

The IRS is looking to hire a “diversity and inclusion” specialist, with a minimum salary of $123,758 a year.The opening for a full-time “Supervisory Diversity and Inclusion Specialist” at the agency’s national headquarters in Washington, D.C. was announced on June 11...