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Beware: Main Street Republicans Are Anything But

What do George Soros, labor unions and money-grubbing former GOP Rep. Steven LaTourette all have in common? They’re control freaks. They’re power hounds. They’re united against tea party conservatives. And they all have operated under the umbrella of...

TEA Party Faces Big 2014 Challenge

The Tea Party is facing a huge test in 2014 as establishment Republicans and business groups try to wrestle back control of the GOP. Grassroots conservative groups have ruled the roost of the House GOP conference since Republicans won back the majority in 2010 but are...

Fast Food Workers to Strike in 100 Cities Tomorrow

On Thursday, SEIU-backed protestors are planning to “strike” at fast-food restaurants in 100 cities. One of the many union front groups that are springing up around the country and which is helping back-door unionize the fast-food industry is the “Restaurant...