571-232-0440 info@vctpp.org

The Venango County Tea Party Patriots will meet Saturday, July 27 at 9:00 am at Kings Restaurant. Come early if you plan to eat breakfast.

On July 12 we had an amazing presentation from Dr. Douglas Frank, world-renowned expert in addressing irregularities of the 2020 Election.  After describing the problem, Dr. Frank described why a county-level effort, instead of relying on state legislatures, is needed to restore our elections.  We have also heard in recent months from both True the Vote’s Catherine Englebrecht and for the TEA Party’s own Jenny Beth Martin about the problems of illegals voting.  And Tony Shuppe brought us a great update a couple of months ago as well.

The 2024 Presidential election is the most important of our lifetime!   This Saturday we will be discussing “All Things 2024 Election”  and based on all that we have learned, we will present a strategy for us all to do our part in this pivotal election.