571-232-0440 info@vctpp.org

Welcome to Venango County Tea Party Patriots

Dedicated to inspiring fellow Venango County citizens to embrace the American ideals:

  • Fiscal Responsibility
  • Strict Interpretation of the Constitution
  • Limited Government
  • Free-market Economics
  • and much more…

IF YOU MISSED THIS SPECIAL PRESENTATION from Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote. This is a must watch and a must share with your friends and neighbors. 

Get Involved and Make a Difference!

VCTPP Monthly Meeting

Join us at 9:00 AM every fourth Saturday

Kings Family Restaurant, 821 Allegheny Blvd, Franklin, PA 16323

Come at 8:00 AM for breakfast!

June 28, 2024 – Movie Screening

June 28, 2024 – Movie Screening

The most censored film in the country! It's about the rigged election and the J6 prisoners being held hostage. A film made by the people and for the people, released last December 2023. While it's free online on rumble.com, VCTPP is holding a FREE screening at their...

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June 22, 2024 – VCTPP Meeting

June 22, 2024 – VCTPP Meeting

VCTPP will meet on Saturday, June 22 at Kings Restaurant at 9:00 am.  Come at 8:00 am if you plan to eat breakfast.  Our speaker will be Elizabeth Stelle, Director of Policy Analysis with The Commonwealth Foundation of PA.  Elizabeth is always prepared to bring us an...

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Our Mission

The Pennsylvania Venango County Tea Party Patriots’ mission is to inform, equip, and activate our fellow citizens. Our constitutional republic is intended to be “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” By staying actively involved in the process of self-governance, we can preserve the bedrock values upon which our great nation was built, and together, we can shape a brighter future for all.

Personal Freedom

We are most free when the Constitution is followed, and all Americans can live life the way they want, as long as it does not harm others or infringe on their rights.

Economic Freedom

A growing economy, with reduced tax rates and government spending, gives businesses the ability to hire more people and us all a chance to earn more.

Debt Free Future

Increasing the US debt puts an undue burden on future generations. It is only fair and right to pay the debt we have incurred so our children are not stuck with our bills.

Immigration Reform

We must first fully secure our borders. Immigration reform cannot happen without this necessary first step.

First Amendment Rights

The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States protects from the Congress our God-given right to engage in political activity. The text specifically says, “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Second Amendment Rights

Tea Party Patriots staunchly defend our sacred Second Amendment, vehemently opposing any encroachment upon this fundamental right.

Before You Go…

Please follow us on social media to stay up to date on pressing issues and to connect with our community. 

Contact Us

Venango County Tea Party Patriots
155 Summit Drive
Franklin, PA 16323

