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A publication of the international socialist movement has explicitly stated it is promoting abortion and gay “marriage” as part of a multi-pronged campaign to “replace global capitalism” with Marxism.

The admission came on Monday in an article entitled “How Can We Change the World?” by Todd Chretien in the Socialist Worker, which is published by the International Socialist Organization. The ISO proudly “stands in the tradition of revolutionary socialists Karl Marx, V.I. Lenin, and Leon Trotsky.”

The article was putatively about the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s March on Washington. However, it hailed the socially liberal views of young people, women, and minorities – the same groups President Obama appealed to during the 2010 and 2012 campaigns.

Today’s young people, Chretien hoped, would carry on a social revolution by waging war on the family.

The article was the latest example of the international socialist movement’s support for abortion and opposition to the family stretching back to the founding of Communism.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote in The Communist Manifesto of their plan for the “abolition of the family,” to “replace home education by social” or public schools, and to replace monogamy with “an openly legalized community of women”

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