by Jane Richey | Jan 7, 2014 | Fiscal Responsibility
Expanding Medicaid coverage to an estimated nine million more Americans—as mandated by the Affordable Care Act—reinforces the idea that Medicaid only serves the poor. That perception is not accurate. And it distracts from a looming budgetary threat to the program:...
by Jane Richey | Sep 19, 2013 | Fiscal Responsibility, Health Care
Today’s Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report [2] reiterates the long-standing and obvious fact that there is a health care spending crisis approaching, resulting largely from the structurally flawed Medicare program and made significantly worse by Obamacare’s new...
by Jane Richey | Sep 17, 2013 | Fiscal Responsibility, Free Markets, Politics
The Congressional Budget Office released its 2013 long-term budget outlook on Tuesday, stating that “a large and continually growing federal debt …would increase the probability of a fiscal crisis for the United States.” The report says under current...
by Jane Richey | Jul 21, 2013 | Constitutionally Limited Goverment
The number of people in Pennsylvania getting monthly disability benefits through Social Security is growing at an alarming rate. Social Security Administration data show more than 390,000 Pennsylvanians qualified for disability payments in 2011, the most recent year...
by Jane Richey | Feb 14, 2013 | Fiscal Responsibility, Politics
In his State of the Union address, President Barack Obama described the upcoming sequestration cuts as “sudden, harsh, arbitrary cuts,” claiming they would “devastate” important government functions and cost “hundreds of thousands of jobs.” However, according to...