by Jane Richey | Dec 13, 2012 | Constitutionally Limited Goverment, Fiscal Responsibility, Free Markets, Politics
A recent poll from the Wells Fargo/Gallup quarterly survey shows that U.S. small business owners are growing “increasingly pessimistic” as the new year approaches, finding that 21 percent of small business owners’ expect to decrease their workforces in the next 12...
by Jane Richey | Dec 5, 2012 | Fiscal Responsibility, Politics
If Congress allows current laws signed by President Barack Obama to stand and follows the fiscal path they have set for the next decade, federal tax revenues will rise to a record level as a percentage GDP, according to the Congressional Budget Office, but annual...
by Jane Richey | Dec 4, 2012 | Fiscal Responsibility, Politics
Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) says Boehner’s offer to raise $800 billion in taxes on the wealthy (partly by closing loopholes and limiting deductions) “will destroy American jobs and allow politicians in Washington to spend even more, while not reducing our $16...
by Jane Richey | Dec 4, 2012 | Fiscal Responsibility, Politics
The White House stressed that the offer made to congressional Republicans last week is similar to the proposals that President Barack Obama made in his fiscal year 2013 plan – a proposal that was defeated unanimously in the Democratic-controlled Senate and the...
by Jane Richey | Dec 4, 2012 | Fiscal Responsibility, Politics
Here are two things to keep in mind with regards to Boehner’s budget offer. First, when you begin negotiations agreeing to 60% of the demands of the other side and fail to offer a bold contrast on the other 40%, you are headed for an outcome that is 80-90% favorable...