by Jane Richey | Dec 9, 2012 | Fiscal Responsibility
From Senator Jeff Sessions office: … spending on federal welfare benefits, if converted into cash payments, equals enough to provide $30.60 per hour, 40 hours per week, to each household living below poverty. The median household hourly wage is $25.03. After...
by Jane Richey | Dec 8, 2012 | Fiscal Responsibility
The federal budget deficit has reached $292 billion just two months into fiscal 2013, the Congressional Budget Office estimated Friday. That is a fast start for a fiscal year that CBO already predicted will have a deficit of more than $1 trillion — the fifth year in a...
by Jane Richey | Dec 5, 2012 | Constitutionally Limited Goverment, Fiscal Responsibility, Free Markets, Politics
Ronald Reagan, who was then a movie actor, delivered one of the greatest and most prophetic speeches of the 20th century, when he appeared before the Orange County Press Club on July 28, 1961. Vital Speeches of the Day later published the full text under the headline,...
by Jane Richey | Dec 1, 2012 | Constitutionally Limited Goverment, Fiscal Responsibility, Free Markets, Politics
The petty games that we have allowed the politicians and pundits from both side have used to divide us has only allowed for the fact that we cannot have honest and constructive discussions about these very real and looming problems that are facing us. We have allowed...
by Jane Richey | Nov 13, 2012 | Fiscal Responsibility, Politics
Everyone who pays income tax — and some who don’t — will feel it. So will doctors who accept Medicare, people who get unemployment aid, defense contractors, air traffic controllers, national park rangers and companies that do research and...