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Obama Tries to Ease Unions’ Obamacare Concerns

Union fears about the effect of Obamacare on their health insurance plans were getting swift attention from the White House on Friday as President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden prepared to huddle with labor leaders. The session, scheduled for 3:35 p.m. in...

Thompson Against Defunding Obamacare

U.S. Rep. Glenn Thompson, a former health-care executive, has made it clear that he is no fan of the Affordable Care Act. But Thompson does not think that shutting down the government, or denying funding for the law to halt its implementation, is the way to go....

Unions Want Changes in Obamacare

Most unions backed ObamaCare’s passage, but labor argues provisions in the law could cut employee hours, unfairly tax their plans and force workers off their union health plans into the law’s potentially more costly insurance exchanges. The central issue is union...