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Family Premiums Up Almost $2000 Under Obamacare

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, health care premiums for the average family cost $15,745 in 2012 -– an increase of $1,975 from the $13,770 they cost in 2010, the year President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law. Employees pick up some, but not...

Another $33 Million to Promote Obamacare

The Obama administration has added roughly $33 million to a contract with a public relations firm to help promote President Obama’s signature healthcare law. A spokesperson for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) said the extra money was added...

So Which Part of Obamacare Works?

Obamacare is so helpful, so ready for action, so vital to the nation’s health, that… the Obama Administration is delaying another major part of it. News broke yesterday that the Administration is delaying the employer mandate, which would force businesses with 50 or...

NBA to Promote Obamacare

The National Basketball Association (NBA) is in discussions with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on ways to help promote the Obama administration’s signature health care law. But the league’s top players, including NBA Finals MVP LeBron...