by Jane Richey | Dec 10, 2013 | Constitutionally Limited Goverment, Fiscal Responsibility, Free Markets, Politics
James Madison was very adamant that the power of the purse be preserved in the body of government that is closest to the people – the House of Representatives – as a way to redress all grievances against harmful government interventions. We have a law that is...
by Jane Richey | Nov 29, 2013 | Constitutionally Limited Goverment, Fiscal Responsibility
In Washington, members of the budget conference committee are considering several options that could increase spending by up to an additional $100 billion. What’s standing in their way is sequestration: the automatic spending cut mechanism President Obama signed into...
by Jane Richey | Oct 22, 2013 | Fiscal Responsibility, Politics
Congressional Democrats want Republicans to sign off on $50 billion worth of tax increases to eliminate the sequester’s automatic spending cuts. The next phase of these cuts will take effect Jan. 15, when government funding will drop from $986 billion to $967 billion....
by Jane Richey | Jun 19, 2013 | Fiscal Responsibility, Politics
President Obama’s trip this month to Africa, with the first family tagging along, is projected to cost taxpayers as much as $100 million, sparking criticism as the federal government scrimps along during sequester-related budget cuts. Among the related costs will be...
by Jane Richey | May 13, 2013 | Fiscal Responsibility, Politics
Senator Pat Toomey said he disagreed with strong White House opposition to legislation to set top priorities for government payments after this month’s expiration of the debt ceiling extension. Toomey vowed to push for action on his own alternative to the...