Venango County Tea Party Patriots is pleased to provide the following audio interviews as a public service.
Please take the time to listen to the candidates on a variety of local issues, and be an informed voter!
NOTE:We at VCTPP extend our apologies for a gross oversight on our part. Mr. Adam Craig, candidate for Venango County Commissioner, did contact us about participating in our interviews but his email was misplaced and overlooked. As soon as we discovered the error, we offered an interview but he declined a late interview because he had listened to the other candidate’s responses. We appreciate his integrity. We are hoping he will consent to a brief interview to at least introduce himself, speak of his qualifications and perhaps some goals he will set should he be elected.
Albert “Chip” Abrimovic (D)
Timothy Brooks (R)
Deb Lutz (D)
Fred Weaver (R) [no image available]
Craig Westover (R) [no image available]
Vince Witherup (R)
Candidate Douglas Dinberg (D) did not respond to our request for an interview.