571-232-0440 info@vctpp.org

Constitution Day

Constitution Day – coming up on Sept. 17       Talk to a public school teacher or Board member and ask if they are abiding by Public Law 108-447, Section 11, passed in 2004 which states:    (b) Each educational institution that receives Federal funds for a fiscal year...

Meeting at Kings Aug. 23

The road rally planned for August 23 has been cancelled; we will have our regular meeting at King’s instead. Breakfast at 8, meeting at 9.   Our special guest speaker for the August meeting will be Doug Smith from Seneca who is an engineer, retired from Central...

Meeting Notes 2014_05_24

Great meeting today! Lots of good discussion and healthy debate. FINANCIAL REPORT: Jane gave an encouraging financial report; a big “thank you!” to all of our faithful supporters! MEMORIAL DAY PARADE: Jane will have her van, with new window decals, in the...

Media Attack and Tea Party Response

Dear friends of liberty: Our enemies in the liberal media, the current liberal ruling elite, and, sadly, the Republican career politicians have banded together in an all out war on major Tea Party organizations. Please read Jenny Beth Martin’s response below. If...