571-232-0440 info@vctpp.org

Meeting Notes 2014_05_24

Great meeting today! Lots of good discussion and healthy debate. FINANCIAL REPORT: Jane gave an encouraging financial report; a big “thank you!” to all of our faithful supporters! MEMORIAL DAY PARADE: Jane will have her van, with new window decals, in the...

Media Attack and Tea Party Response

Dear friends of liberty: Our enemies in the liberal media, the current liberal ruling elite, and, sadly, the Republican career politicians have banded together in an all out war on major Tea Party organizations. Please read Jenny Beth Martin’s response below. If...

Great Meeting on Saturday!

We had a great meeting on Saturday. Thanks to all who turned out! We are always especially appreciative when our elected representatives make the effort to attend our meeting. Dawn Meling of the Commonwealth Foundation was our guest speaker. Her topic was Paycheck...

Obamacare Alternatives

The Obamacare deadline is fast approaching – the day you must either have insurance or pay a fine (oh, sorry – a “tax”.) This is a time when we all must start being diligent to “vote with our dollars” and make a few sacrifices to demonstrate our loyalty to the...