571-232-0440 info@vctpp.org

Great meeting today! Lots of good discussion and healthy debate.


Jane gave an encouraging financial report; a big “thank you!” to all of our faithful supporters!


Jane will have her van, with new window decals, in the Memorial Day Parade. She would like some walkers to volunteer to accompany her and hand out informational hand bills.
Parade starts at 10:00 a.m. Line up is at 9:00 a.m. on Monday if anyone is able to participate.



Jane gave a brief update on the plans for the Rally in the Park in Franklin slated for July 26.

Speakers will include:

Shawn Ridenour, Professor of Economics, Grove City College
Dianna Reimer, Nat’l Coordinator for Tea Party Patriots
Paul Whitehouse – 2nd Amendment
Cheryl Boise – Pa Against Common Core
Jane Richey – VCTPP Coordinator
Kenton Cornmesser – local Food Freedom advocate

Kent gave an update on the road rally planned for August 23rd. The rally will be limited to 60 cars, and will take place in the morning, culminating in a gathering for lunch at an “as yet to be determined” location.

The bulk of the meeting was taken up with a lively discussion on several topics of interest.


Kent gave a brief update on the subject of Food Freedom and the FOOD SAFETY MODERNIZATION ACT – This act has two main parts, Produce Rule and Preventative Controls Rule

What it does:

Increases the burden of compliance for small local farms, food producers, and consumers. Decreases food options and food freedom. Increases size and reach of bureaucracy.

Why it matters:

For the first time in history we have a government that literally is telling us what we can and cannot put in our own mouths.
Hunger is a powerful force and control of the food supply is an important tool in controlling the people.

Suggested Actions:

Buy local
Know your farm, know your farmer
Form or join a buyer’s club; promote the use and validity of private contracts
Contact your U.S. Representative and Senator, let him/her know your position on the impact of the Food Safety Modernization act.

More information can be found here .


Kent also presented some information on the Common Law Grand Jury Movement.


Movement to register and legitimize a Grand Jury process utilizing the Constitution as a basis.


Possible tool to express support for natural law and individual liberty in determining the legitimacy of certain legal matters.
Potential opportunity for exposing governmental wrong doing and reigning in the ruling oligarchy.

Talking Points:

Lawyers as rulers
Bar Association as a private power broker organization
Value and indissolubility of natural law
Right of the people to gather
Means of expressing dissatisfaction with status quo

Suggested Action Items:

Consider whether we, as a group (VCTPP) would support such a movement in Venango County.
Consider whether you, as an individual, would support such a movement.

The floor was opened to additional topics.

U.S. District Judge John E. Jones III recently ruled that Pennsylvania’s ban on same sex “marriage” is unconstitutional. Governor Tom Corbett announced he would not appeal the ruling.

There was much discussion on this, with three main opinions being expressed:

  1. Individuals should consider not voting for Corbett’s re-election; a vote for Corbett would “reward” him for not standing for principles.
  2. Corbett is right to refuse to appeal due to cost, unlikely to win, etc. and his position should not alter individual voting decisions.
  3. Any vote placed for any other candidate is essentially a vote for a liberal governor due to limitations of the two party system, etc. and the impact on other important causes, such as abortion, etc. should be considered.

It was emphasized during the discussion that the Tea Party Patriots do not endorse or oppose political candidates, but the discussion centered primarily on the following topics:

  1. When those in power seek to change the meaning of words, they open up the possibility that the Constitution could essentially be changed without due process.
  2. It is important for people who occupy public office to have principles and convictions, and to be ready to defend those principles and convictions by whatever means necessary.

Phone numbers for contacting the Governor were provided:
814-878-5719 (Erie Office)
717-238-4009 (Campaign Office)


There was some discussion about the new structure of the PA fuels tax; Senator Hutchison pointed out that is erroneous to call the change a “zero sum” change since it does, in fact, result in increased revenue to the state, and therefore it does constitute a tax increase.

The group discussed alternatives to an increased fuels tax, including a mileage tax or “road use” tax among other possibilities. The group also discussed the fact that a fair, flat tax that eliminated the multitude of burdensome and hidden taxes across multiple parts of the state economy may be preferable (although unlikely to ever be enacted.)

There were no action items with this discussion, other than contacting the Governor’s office to express an opinion.

Daryl Metcalfe and impeachment of Kathleen Kane:

The group generally agreed that messages of appreciation and support should be directed to Daryl Metcalfe for his brave and appropriate attempt to initiate impeachment proceedings against Kathleen Kane. Kathleen Kane has repeatedly refused to defend Pennsylvania law and the Pennsylvania Constitution despite the oath she swore to do so. Daryl made a strong case that she is guilty of impeachable conduct.

Thank you to everyone who turned out for the meeting and took part in the discussions!

The next Venango County Tea Party Patriots meeting will be on June 28 at King’s Restaurant. Breakfast at 8:00 a.m. if desired, Meeting at 9:00 a.m.