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A Wisconsin school district has launched an investigation into accusations that teachers have bullied and harassed a politically active conservative student.

Benji Backer, a 15-year-old student at Appleton North High School in Appleton, told Fox News that he’s been subjected to name-calling, foul-language and classroom lectures that bashed Gov. Scott Walker and labeled Republicans as racist

“They are harassing and bullying me as well as indoctrinating other students,” Backer told Fox News.

The 15-year-old wrote about his allegations in great detail in an essay first published by FreedomWorks.

My teachers have always talked about bullying, including bullying homosexuals and how wrong it is,” Backer wrote. “I agree 100 percent. They shouldn’t be bullied, nor should anyone else.”

Backer said if homosexuals can get equal treatment, why can’t conservative students?

“If teachers expect bullying to end with homosexuals, they should want it to end with every type of bullying possible, including political views,” he wrote.

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