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Gov­er­nor Cor­bett has made it clear he’s going to push gov­ern­ments to con­vert to nat­ural gas-powered vehi­cles over the next few years. Speak­ing to Philadelphia’s WPHT-AM last week, Cor­bett pointed out declin­ing nat­ural gas prices have led to a slow-down in drilling at Penn­syl­va­nia sites. He said the state gov­ern­ment can play a role in bring­ing the price back up, telling host Dom Gior­dano, “One of the areas where we’re look­ing now, is how do we help peo­ple increase the demand?”

In addi­tion to build­ing more pipelines to trans­port the gas, Cor­bett said he wants the state to “start con­vert­ing the fleets of cars…to nat­ural gas vehi­cles. …So that [drillers] have a mar­ket so they can go to Detroit to get Detroit to start build­ing the vehicles.”

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