The battle over Agenda 21 is raging across the nation. City and County Councils have become war zones as citizens question the origins of development plans and planners deny any international connections to the UN’s Agenda 21. What is the truth? Since I helped start this war, I believe it is up to me to help with the answers.
The standard points made by those who deny any Agenda 21 connection is that:
- Local planning is a local idea.
- Agenda 21 is a non-binding resolution not a treaty, carries no legal authority from which any nation is bound to act. It has no teeth.
- The UN has no enforcement capability.
- There are no “Blue-Helmeted” UN troops at City Hall.
- Planners are simply honest professionals trying to do their job, and all these protests are wasting their valuable time.
- The main concern of Agenda 21 is that man is fouling the environment and using up resources for future generations and we just need a sensible plan to preserve and protect the earth. What is so bad about that?
- There is no hidden agenda.
- “I’ve read Agenda 21 and I can find no threatening language that says it is a global plot. What are you so afraid of?”
- And of course, the most often heard response – “Agenda 21, what’s that?”
- And after they have proudly stated these well thought out points, they arrogantly throw down the gauntlet and challenge us to “answer these facts.”
Read more here.