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The Center for Social Inclusion contends that the “structural racism” pervading American society can only be addressed by means of political policies designed to transfer wealth to nonwhite minority communities.
• Views the U.S. as a nation infested with white racism and discrimination
• Seeks to counteract America’s “structural racism” by means of taxpayer-funded policy initiatives
• Supports the training of local community organizers to serve as agents of social change

Founded in 2002 as a project of the Tides Center, the Center for Social Inclusion (CSI) contends that “structural racism” thoroughly pervades American society and its institutions. To support this assertion, CSI cites the fact that “people of color,” as compared to whites, are much likelier to be unemployed, to attend schools that are underfunded, to drop out of school without graduating, to lack health insurance, and to be poor. By CSI’s reckoning, “policy is the root” of each of these problems, and it is “also the place to find a solution.” In pursuit of such a solution, CSI administers four major programs designed to “develop policy ideas to transform” the existing “structures and systems that perpetuate the exclusion of communities of color.”

They are:

1.)  Energy Democracy

2.)  Transportation Equity

3.)  Broadband Equity

4.)  Food Equity

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