Voters haven’t split clearly in one direction or another on last week’s Supreme Court ruling on health care, according to a Pew Research Center poll. In fact, it doesn’t look like voters even fully understand what the court decided.
Here are Pew’s results, which are consistent with — and more detailed than — much of the other public polling we’ve seen:
The public has long been divided in its opinions about the 2010 health care law. There is now a similar division of opinion over last week’s Supreme Court decision to uphold the law — 40% say they disapprove of the decision, while 36% approve and nearly a quarter (24%) offer no opinion.
Despite extensive public interest in the court’s ruling, just 55% of the public knows that the Supreme Court upheld most of the health care law’s provisions; 45% say either that the court rejected most provisions (15%) or do not know what the court did (30%). Among those aware that the court upheld most of the law, 50% approve of the decision while 42% disapprove.
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