Editorial — American Dream: There are a lot of great things about this country. I am not afraid to say that I love America. In many ways it has been a great light for the rest of the world since it was founded. However, things have changed. The United States has greatly fallen from where it once was. The truth is that America is rotting and decaying in thousands of different ways. We need to repent and go back to doing the things that once made this country great. The road that we are currently on is a path that leads to national suicide. So to be honest now is not really the time for happy celebrations. Rather, now is the time for weeping, mourning and deep reflection. We need to turn from our profligate ways and we need to return to the fundamental principles that the early Americans understood so well. As a nation we need to look into the mirror and understand just how bad our decline has been. We are a complete and total mess, and it is time to admit that.
1. Most Americans know much more about Kim Kardashian than they do about the Federal Reserve.
2. The way that the TSA abuses travelers is a national embarrassment. One TSA agent recently sifted her finger through the ashes of someone’s dead grandfather and then spilled his ashes all over the airport floor.
3. Many young people in America are willing to wait in line to pay a 400% markup on new Kanye West sneakers, but most of those same young people cannot even tell you how many members of Congress there are.
4. Many Americans seem to be far more interested in American Idol and Dancing With The Stars than they are in dealing with the very serious economic, political and moral problems facing this nation.
5. A recent survey found that 61 percent of all Americans believe that “paying your fair share of taxes” is being patriotic.
6. We currently have the worst president in U.S. history, and there is a chance that we may have to endure another 4 years of his insanity.
7. We have a Supreme Court that appears to have very little respect for the U.S. Constitution.
8. The financial center of our country, Wall Street, is full of psychopaths.
9. America has the highest incarceration rate and the largest total prison population in the entire world by a very wide margin.
10. The highways of America are rapidly being turned into a high tech prison grid.
Read the other 60 reasons here.