From Tom Zawistowski: “I am writing to share with you, and I am copying some of our state and federal “representatives,” so that everyone can get a first hand look at how our Government looks at our movement, and what they are intentionally doing, as a government, to stop us. First of all, I know that many Ohio liberty groups have been waiting for months and even years to get their 501(c) 4 corporation applications processed by the IRS. We need to incorporate to protect our groups from liability and 501(c) 4 is the legal category for which our groups best fit, because of the political nature of what we do and it’s nonprofit status. However, the government is not processing our applications which puts our groups at great financial risk until they are approved. As you will see below, this is no accident.
Many groups have filed what is called an IRS 1024 form to apply for Federal Tax Exempt Status so that we can do our income taxes. My own Portage County TEA Party has been waiting for over a year just to get a response from the IRS so we can file our 2010 tax return! In the attached PDF I share with you, the “Additional Information Requested” of the Ohio Liberty Council from our June 30th, 2010 application which we just received on January 30, 2012. Yes, they took a year and a half to respond to our application and they are giving us two weeks to respond back. As you will see, this is no simple request.
We have been told by people in Washington that the IRS is under specific instructions to delay and scrutinize any applications having to do with TEA Party or Liberty Groups.”