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Arguing that it will more fairly represent the will of the people, Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi, R-Chester, said Monday he plans to propose a change that would award the state’s electoral votes proportionally, in place of the current winner-take-all method.

Pennsylvania will have 20 electoral votes for the next two presidential campaign cycles, in 2016 and 2020.

“This advantage of this system is clear: It much more accurately reflects the will of the voters in our state,” Pileggi said in a statement.

Pennsylvania would be the first state to award its electoral votes in such a way, though two votes would remain tied to the winner of the popular vote, according to Pileggi’s plan.

The winner of the statewide popular vote now receives all 20 of Pennsylvania’s electoral votes.

Maine and Nebraska are the only states that do not use a winner-take-all format for their electoral votes. Rather, they award the votes based on congressional districts.

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