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The ecocide drive is distinctly anti-human in that it would make the crime equivalent under international law to true evils such as genocide and ethnic cleansing. Moreover, it makes an explicit moral equivalency between the importance of flora/fauna and people. If ever adopted, it would shut down Western economies, throwing us into worse shape than we are in now–while keeping the destitute mired in their misery by preventing developing nations from creating wealth through activities like mining, timber harvesting, and large scale farming.

Now, the Irish Green Party has explicitly endorsed criminalizing ecocide. From the Green Party News story:

A motion to end ecocide (the extensive destruction of ecosystems) was passed unanimously at the 2013 Green Party Annual Convention in Galway on 13 April 2013. The motion was presented by Cathy Fitzgerald, Carlow/Kilkenny Green Party and Forestry policy spokesperson.

Commenting on the decision to pass the motion, Cathy Fitzgerald said: “I am delighted with the unanimous support from our Party to call for an end to Ecocide. There is growing international legal realisation that current environmental laws and regulations ‘permits’ environmental destruction rather than preventing it. The Law of Ecocide seeks to address environmental degradation from a new perspective and has significant implications to assign legal responsibility to heads of state, corporations and others that cause long-term environmental destruction. This would apply to environmental problems like fracking pollution of ground water, land and air pollution, etc.

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