571-232-0440 info@vctpp.org

The national Tea Party Patriots have restated the organizations’ core principles in order to make them clearer and more accessible.

The Patriots are associating constitionally limited government to personal freedom; the less government, the more personal freedom.

The Patriots are associating free markets with economic freedom; the less the government meddles with the markets the greater economic freedom we all enjoy.

The Patriots are associating fiscal responsibility with a debt free future for our children and grandchildren.

This is a message that we believe will resonate with an American public weary of obscene spending, hyper-regulation, and the nanny state.

It’s time to reset the foundations of America and make the American dream the American reality once again.

The Tea Party Patriots are giving the American middle class a voice in their government once again. Republicans and Democrats alike are condemning, deriding, and mocking the Patriots, so you know we’re doing something right!

And with your help we can do even more. Vote with you presence at our meetings. Vote with your contributions to our cause. It is time for our voice to be heard.