571-232-0440 info@vctpp.org

If you can help out manning our VCTPP Display Booth this year, August 3-10, we are gathering commitments.  The following slots are open.  We try to have 2 volunteers on each shift.  Some have already signed up but the following are still needed:

Date12-4 Shift4-8 Shift
Sunday, Aug. 41 needed2 needed
Monday, Aug. 5Filled1 needed
Tuesday, Aug. 6Filled2 needed
Wednesday, Aug. 72 needed2 needed
Thursday, Aug. 81 needed1 needed
Friday, Aug. 9FilledFilled
Saturday, Aug. 102 needed1 needed
updated 6/10/24

Gate passes are available to workers and we can instruct you on how to pick them up.    Please call or text Jane at 814-671-7110 or email jane@vctpp.org if you can help out.