571-232-0440 info@vctpp.org

The public is invited to a Forum for candidates vying for the positions of Venango County Commissioner. Candidates Timothy Brooks (R), Vincent Witherup (R), Deborah Lutz (D) and Chip Abramovich (D) will take questions submitted by the public. Jane Richey, Local Coordinator of the VCTPP will be the moderator. The event will be held on Saturday, September 26 at 9:00 am at the Franklin Alliance Fellowship Hall, 1200 Otter St. in Franklin. A light continental breakfast will be available.
Questions may be emailed to info@vctpp.org by September 24 or be submitted on an index card at the event. Candidates will be given a time of introduction and they will have up to two minutes to answer each question.
Venango County Tea Party Patriots exists to educate on Constitutional issues and provide information to enable informed voting. Because of limited seating we are asking attendees to RSVP by calling 814-671-7110.