by Jane Richey | Apr 15, 2019 | Events, Uncategorized
We will reschedule in warmer weather, date to be...
by Jane Richey | Feb 7, 2019 | Events, Uncategorized
Venango County Tea Party Patriots will sponsor a one-time screening of the movie “Gosnell” Sunday, March 31, at 7:00 pm THE MOVIES AT CRANBERRY. The movie will be on a donation basis. Seating is limited – to reserve a seat, please email...
by Jane Richey | Jan 24, 2019 | Alerts, Uncategorized
To All Patriots In response to this piece in Wednesday’s (1/23/19) Derrick “The Oil Region Rising organization, a local affiliate of the national Indivisible Project, has scheduled a downtown Oil City march Friday in support of ending the partial federal government...