by Jane Richey | May 3, 2021 | Alerts, Events, Politics
PA Gunowners of America will have a bus available leaving from Clarion. Call 814-432-5703 for...
by Jane Richey | Mar 19, 2021 | Alerts, Politics, Voting Issues
Representative Seth Grove, Chair of the House State Government Committee has been conducting hearings weekly in Harrisburg regarding election law and how it affected the 2020 elections. This is a summary thus far on his findings with more to...
by Jane Richey | Mar 19, 2021 | Uncategorized
Venango County is in need of volunteers to serve as Judge of Elections, Majority and Minority Inspectors and clerks. If you are interested and able to service, call Jamie at the Venango County Courthouse at 814-432-9512. Poll workers are required to take at least one...
by Jane Richey | Nov 12, 2020 | Uncategorized
PHILADELPHIA, PA and other battleground states AND Washington DC STOP THE STEAL MARCHPittsburgh Tea Party This Saturday in Washington, D.C. a march known by two names, Stop the Steal and the Million MAGA March will begin at noon at Freedom Plaza (near the...